【同义词辨析】 2018-06-01 新人novice-neophyte

novice: stresses inexperience: a ski slope designed for ~.

apprentice: applies to a beginner serving under a master or teacher, and stresses subordination THAN inexperience: a bricklayer's ~.

probationer: applies to a beginner on trial for a period of time in which he or she must demonstrate aptitude: among the graduate students who were ~ in the field.

postulant: designates a candidate on probation, especially for admission to a religious order: gives advice to young ~ in the community. (admission: 加入组织admittance进入楼房等)

neophyte: usually suggests initiation and is applicable to one who is new to and learning the ways of something, such as an association, science, or art, and often connotes youthful eargerness and unsophistication: could easily tell the eager ~ from the jaded professionals.

novice初学者: 强调没有经验,apprentice学徒: 跟从师傅或老师(serve under)强调下属身份而非经验,probationer试用人员: 试用期必须展示天资,postulant: 宗教职务的试用候选人员,neophyte: 初学入门,常指青春热切(youthful eagerness)不谙世故(unsophistication)

记忆方法:1)首字母NAPPN 想成NAP Not Please: 请不要打瞌睡<==初学者

                     否定祈使句常把动词前置,如别问ask not what ..., 别忘了forget not to...

          2)新人的意思是初学者mean one who is a beginner in something, such as a trade, profession, career, or skill.